Who you gonna call? Jason Reitman. And Bill and Dan. And Slimmer.

The untitled sequel to the Busters recently made an appearance on media platforms. But the question still remains, will the team return or what will Bill and Dan be doing in this venture which comes in a bit too late. In a time when everything is more supernatural and horror comedy is more spoofed than mainstream. I love the Scary Movie Franchise, but they still require original data to reference and create a situation of humor onscreen. Ghostbusters was a mix of horror, fantasy and some character oriented science of the paranormal and supernatural infused humor. Not many films have served these many ingredients in one pot very well. I remember watching ‘Hold That Ghost’ with Abbott and Costello, ‘Scared Stiff’ with the famous Lewis and Martin combination. Laurel and Hardy delved in the early days of cinema with ‘A Murder Case’ and ‘The Live Ghost’. Mel Brooks enjoyed his share of success with ‘Young Frankenstein’ and ‘Dracula: Dead and Loving it”.  Ghostbusters featured a bit of action, bit of comedy, a bit of old school fantasy, a bit of Reitman, and a bit of Murray and Ackroyd. The remake/reboot or Paul Feig continuation was not up to the mark and failed with the audiences.


The viewer is more aware today about their choices at hand. It’s not easy to grasp attention in today’s time when it comes to visual content. Horror has risen to a new scale of supernatural and paranormal with the viewer continually searching for fright and tittilation. The new one has been stated to be a continuation to the last time when the Statue of Liberty walked the streets to fight an ancient Carpathian Ghost from the Painting. The first one had arrived in theatres when most sequels were hitting screens. It was the highest grossing film that year up until the man from the city of Gotham ‘Batman’ hit the screen and broke all records. Still, Ghostbusters held its own. Now with the kind of exposure, is this a good idea. No doubts about the talent of Jason Reitman. He delivers very well on the waterfront while dealing with his characters dealing with inner and outer emotions, broken and bonding relations, the bond between relations and dealing with a past, facing the present. He is right up there, now he picks up his father’s footsteps. Ivan Reitman has a penchant for humor in relations and relationships as well. The combination of old school nostalgia and in a new world of filmmaking.


As a viewer, how do we welcome the combination? What should we expect as fans? Will this continue from New York? or Will this continue from where the animated series ended? Will a series proceed the movies? More importantly. Will Bill and Dan be coming back and who will be cast alongside? The mood. The setting. The humor. The Ghosts. And will the third time around be in a realm of time as the third Turtles in Time movie? Will the Ghostbusters be traveling back to the original source. Let’s wait for 2020 and till then watch the first two that made a phenomenon.

by ScreenJives

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